Trade Show / Ballroom Power

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New member
Orlando, FL
Looking to solve an ongoing issue related to Trade Show/Ballroom Power!

I have an electrical inspector in LA. that is quoting Art. 590.6(A1) "Temporary power for all 125V - 15, 20 & 30amp receptacles that are not part of the permanent building must be GFCI protected." (CA Code 26.93.590.6(A)) I believe this to be incorrect and relates to temp power for construction/remodeling site.

With that said and there are no code sections that directly address the temporary wiring of hotel ballrooms and convention centers, Does Art. 590.6(A1) apply here? A typical power distribution scheme for a trade show in a Ballroom/Convention Hall will consist of 200A distribution boxes, fed with "Cam Lok" from a 200A fused disconnect and then distributed out thru cable (L21-20 for example) to smaller Edison type receptacle's(commonly called "doghouse").

Any Thoughts?

IMO , the inspector is correct , art 590 covers temp installations. Your install is a temp installation, also note article 590 covers holiday lighting and states it should not exceed 90 days. Also, read 590.3(D) where it states, "or purpose for which the wiring was installed."
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I've wrestled with this, and I don't think the inspector is correct. Construction site -type temporary power is usually hardwired from service -> panel -> receptacle and the conditions are usually fairly rough. Trade-show and theatrical power is typically cord/plug connected from panel -> panel -> etc -> receptacle and it's usually much better stuff. I'll argue that 590 doesn't covers these installations; they're more like 525 (CARNIVALS, CIRCUSES, FAIRS, AND SIMILAR EVENTS) or 520 (theaters). The 2005 handbook (don't have a later one handy) mentions:
Article 525 was developed because the requirements for temporary installations contained in Article 590 apply more to construction sites than to events that are open to the general public, such as fairs and carnivals.

In 2011, 525.23 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter (GFCI) Protection says:
(A) Where GFCI Protection Is Required. GFCI protection for personnel shall be provided for the following:
(1) All 125-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20-ampere nonlocking-type receptacles used for disassembly and reassembly or readily accessible to the general public
(2) Equipment that is readily accessible to the general public and supplied from a 125-volt,

If the outlet is in the air or under part of display booth, it's not readily accessible to the general public.

That said, 'doghouses' are generally UL listed for this use and don't have a GFCI, nor do the distribution panels intended to feed them.

So, 525 or 590? I don't think the NEC does a good job covering this sort of installation.
IMO , the inspector is correct , art 590 covers temp installations. Your install is a temp installation, also note article 590 covers holiday lighting and states it should not exceed 90 days. Also, read 590.3(D) where it states, "or purpose for which the wiring was installed."
While you are correct that Article 590 applies to temporary installations, the application of 590.6 is more specific.
590.6 Ground-Fault Protection for Personnel. Groundfault protection for personnel for all temporary wiring installations shall be provided to comply with 590.6(A) and (B). This section shall apply only to temporary wiring installations used to supply temporary power to equipment used by personnel during construction, remodeling, maintenance, repair, or demolition of buildings, structures, equipment, or similar activities. This section shall apply to power derived from an electric utility company or from an on-site-generated power source.
I don't see 509.6 applying to the installation in question.

I also don't see Article 525 applying to this installation.

I don't see any specific rule in the NEC that applies to this application so the only GFCI requirements that would apply are the ones found in 210.8.
518.3 Other Articles.

518.3 Other Articles.

(B) Temporary Wiring. In exhibition halls used for display booths, as in trade shows, the temporary wiring shall be permitted to be installed in accordance with Article 590. Flexible cables and cords approved for hard or extra-hard usage shall be permitted to be laid on floors where protected from contact by the general public. The ground-fault circuit-interrupter requirements of 590.6 shall not apply. All other ground-fault circuit-interrupter requirements of this Code shall apply.
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