trailer house service

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Does a seperate disconnect need to be installed near the house (singlewide trailer) or will the main breaker in the panel serve as the disconnecting means ?
Does a seperate disconnect need to be installed near the house (singlewide trailer) or will the main breaker in the panel serve as the disconnecting means ?
I don't do trailers but I am quite certain a separate disco. is needed outside the trailer.
Does a seperate disconnect need to be installed near the house (singlewide trailer) or will the main breaker in the panel serve as the disconnecting means ?

550-11A (singlewide trailer means mobile homes?)
I just looked in NEC could be wrong.We stop at pedestal point and can't do any on mnf.bld
You need to be able to disconnect the entire trailer from power from a location in view of the trailer and not more than 30 feet away.
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