Training Aids

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Senior Member
I have a staff of 3 electricians and 7 Mechanics. I am looking to build some training aids, to teach the mechanics, those who have had basic elec. 1 and 2 and some related course work, to troubleshoot 1ph and 3ph motors and circuits. This is in an industrial environment.

I am looking for them to learn how it works and how it's laid out, so they can improve their critical thinking and troubleshooting. (No, I am not turning them loose with meters, but all of the mechanical is driven by electrical.)

If anyone has done this in the past, I would appreciate some input.

Design, what works and what doesn't?

How big or small?

Other suggestions?


Senior Member
Jersey Shore
Why not just start simple, a starter, motor, transformer and start stop button. Draw it out or show them and let them go at it. Then break it and see if they can fix it, add more as they progress. I built a small trainer in the shop on a 3'*4' sheet of plywood, and just started mounting extra parts,. some push buttons, selector switches, relays, lamps...
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