

Senior Member
Anyone work for a shop that provides training for apprentice and JM? Self Improvement, electrical instruction? Also offer any incentives for completing projects on schedule, employee of the. Month? I know people comment just pay your people and they will work but that's not always true,. How do you keep them motivated to do a great Job?
My shops sucks as far as training. It's pretty much watching videos from the company's website or going to HQ for a week and getting too much crammed into a week. It wouldn't have to be that way, but "A fish stinks from the head." (My boss's boss's boss came to the shop for a quick presentation. He asked me how I was doing. Told him I was demoralized because my boss leads from behind with a cattle prod. He was able to confirm that this was true. I expect nothing will change.)

The priority in the company is first sales of gas and oil control equipment, then installation, and then service. So if they sell stuff that someone else installs, that's ok. Or after it is installed if someone else services it, that's ok, too. Us guys in the field (mostly "techs", not electricians) often end up being "embedded" with another company doping inspection and service work.

Easy money for our company, but the techs can end up "straddling a fence," doing work at one company, but being paid by another. If things go right, nobody really cares. But when things go wrong, for instance because our company didn't support us guys in the field with training, equipment, direction, we get it from both sides. Blaming the victim.