For the transfer switch itself to be listed as a service disconnecting means, it will be required to have a disconnecting means and overcurrent protection.
see 230.82
When would a Manual transfer Switch not be required to have a Center Off Position?
does it have to have Overload Protection and a Neutral to be service Rated?
For the transfer switch itself to be listed as a service disconnecting means, it will be required to have a disconnecting means and overcurrent protection.
see 230.82
Pretty much the "combination" you mentioned.What classifies a piece of equipment as being service entrance rated?
Is it the Disconnecting Means, Overcurrent protection,Neutral connection or a combination of all 3? I'm unclear of exactly what the definition of Service Entrance Rated is.
So the "Service Entrance Rated" Sticker is actually the only way we know if a piece of equipment is service rated or not.