Transformer Connection

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would you know the effect on transformer operation if the winding connection of primary is different from secondary? say,primary connection became dyn5 instead of dyn7?

thanks for your time

Re: Transformer Connection

Help me with this one. What is meant by "dyn5" and "dyn7"?
Re: Transformer Connection

Dyn refers to delta on HV and grounded wye on LV. The number is the phase displacement (lead, lag). If you are not paralleling anything, the phase angle will have no impact. Check rotation.
Re: Transformer Connection

Im actually connecting 3-333kva,1ph,34.5-480v in a you're saying it doesnt have any effect on secondary side?the design calls for a dyn7 but it turned out to be dyn5..say,the marked lead of phase A was tapped to unmarked lead of phase B instead of to unmarked lead of phase C..hope i didnt confuse you

thanks for your time

Re: Transformer Connection

Originally posted by danilo:
...hope i didnt confuse you...Danilo
yep - plenty. I'm with charlie. What's a dyn 7 and where did the spec call for it?

Re: Transformer Connection

sorry guys for the confusion.. :)

actually,dyn means delta at primary and grounded wye at secondary..if dyn5, it means the phase reference at secondary is pointing at 5'oclock and other phases are 120deg out of phase from each other.if dyn7,it means the reference phase is pointing at 7o'clock and other phases are also 120deg out of phase..from this positioning of phases,xformer connection at primary could now be referring your secondary connection to primary,it shows the proper way of connecting the leads of xformer.

In a 3xformer bank,for instance,the dyn5 says that the positive polarity lead of 1st xformer must be connected to the negative polarity lead of 2nd transformer but a mistake happened somewhere when instead of connecting the +polarity of 1st xformer to -polarity of 2nd xformer,the connection was made at -polarity of 3rd xformer..hope you get my point guys... :) ..what immediate effect does this connection bring to transformer operation?


Re: Transformer Connection

I cannot tell from your description, without having a wiring diagram in front of me, whether (1) You have the correct voltage at each of the secondaries, and (2) You have the three secondary windings 120 degrees apart from each other, and (3) The phase rotation (A-B-C) is correct. But if you do, then the result will be indistinguishable from the intended result. Selection of any given phase as the "reference phase," and selecting a point in time for that phase to be at the "zero degree reference point" are both arbitrary. What matters is the relationship among the three phases.
Re: Transformer Connection

Originally posted by charlie b:
then the result will be indistinguishable from the intended result.
thanks Charlie,i guess you're right..i would now assume it doesnt have any effect on the secondary side or in the operation of xformer in general..but im curious still on why the designer include this in his specification?if the load is pure inductive motors,does this dyn5 or dyn7 thing matter?

what do you think?


Re: Transformer Connection

When I specify transformers, I don't get into the wiring details. I just give a KVA rating, the voltage ratigns, the general wiring configuration (i.e., delta versus wye), and if appropriate a K-rating. The boilerplate specs also include a statement somewhere along the lines for the installer to verify phase rotation.
Re: Transformer Connection

The DYN5 and DYN7 specifications sound like an IEC description of transformers.

I would guess that if the designer wanted a DYN7 connection and you made it DYN5, you'd run into problems if down the road there was a desire to parallel tranformer banks and you had a DYN5 paralleled with a DYN7.

I'll look around to see if I can find a spec sheet that describes the connections.
Re: Transformer Connection

yeah i guess so..i might encounter problems with mixed connection in the future..Yeah please, appreciate to see that spec sheet.


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