Transformer grounding question

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Senior Member
New York
From an EC&M article, it mentions transformer is grounded on the primary side. Am I missing something, I thought the secondary is connected to a grounding electrode.

Here's what the article says:

"This means that on the supply side of the service, you’ll have a connection to the grounding electrode system [Part III of Art. 250]. Or on the primary side of a transformer (separately derived source), you’ll have a ground connection — but not on the secondary side. For generators, the ground connection decision is
a bit more complicated; be sure to review Art. 445 carefully."
“We have met the enemy and they are us”
EC&M, like most electricians get grounding terminology wrong.
Look up the definition of ground and substitute it here “we need to pull a ground”
And good catch. On the primary it’s a EGC
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