Transformer Impedance

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Senior Member
Hello, If there are two transformers and they have the same Uk (percent impedance), but they have different powers, does it mean they have a ratio of impedance (as quantity not percentage ) same as the ratio of powers? I mean if one of them is has a power 5 times the other it means its impedance is 5 times smaller than the other one? I guess it will be 5 times smaller isnt it?


Curmudgeon still using printed IEEE Color Books
North of the 65 parallel
EE (Field - as little design as possible)
I mean if one of them is has a power 5 times the other it means its impedance is 5 times smaller than the other one?

Yes. Most any power book will have a per Unit discussion.

(Zpu base 2) = (Zpu base 1)((Vbase 1)^2)/(Vbase 2)^2)((Sbase 2)/(Sbase 1))

Since the voltage is the same, it is just the ratio of the power.

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