Transformer Inrush

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I believe I'm having inrush problems at a hospital on a 12KV circuit. I think the circuit has too many transformers. I have voltage, KVA and Impedances of all transformers. How do you figure the inrush for each transformer?
Re: Transformer Inrush

Your best bet is to ask the manufacturer.

But if you want to calculate something yourslef, it is a simple application of Ohm's Law to numbers that are not simple to find. The impedance values that you have are most likely the steady state value. During the first few moments that a transformer is being energized, the impedance is much lower. Do you have the "transient reactance" and the "sub-transient reactance" values? If so, then divide the rated primary voltage by those two values, and you will get the short term and the "even shorter term" values on current.
Re: Transformer Inrush

To take a guess, use 12xFLA of each transformer, then add them all up if they are energized separately.
Always best to verify with a disturbance type meter.
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