I've always sized transformer's using the same load calculations used for conductor sizing. For example, a single motor or a single continuous load would be calculated at 125% FLA.
However, I don't actually see where sizing for transformers is covered in the NEC. At least not in article 450. Can anyone point to where transformer sizing is covered in the NEC?
For example, I have a single 480V, 600 amp chiller that is basically one single motor. So 600*480* sqrt(3) = about 500 KVA.
I have always assumed that I need to take that 500 KVA and multiply by 1.25 which is 625 KVA.
So a 625 KVA transformer would be the smallest transformer allowed to supply this chiller. Is that correct, or am I being overly conservative?
However, I don't actually see where sizing for transformers is covered in the NEC. At least not in article 450. Can anyone point to where transformer sizing is covered in the NEC?
For example, I have a single 480V, 600 amp chiller that is basically one single motor. So 600*480* sqrt(3) = about 500 KVA.
I have always assumed that I need to take that 500 KVA and multiply by 1.25 which is 625 KVA.
So a 625 KVA transformer would be the smallest transformer allowed to supply this chiller. Is that correct, or am I being overly conservative?