Remember how %Z is determined...short secondary and raise voltage on primary until rated FLA flows on secondary. Take said voltage and divide by rated primary voltage for Z.
If there are (4) MVAs, there will be (4) different FLAs; thus, (4) different %Z.
if you compare the 10 and 20 it is doubled
pu z = applied v to achieve rated fla / rated v to to get twice the current (or va) need twice the V (it is also (xfmr ratio / applied V) / rated current in Ohms)
actual Z in Ohm is still ~ the same though
the pu Z has doubled but so has the base va
base Zxx = v base^2 / Sxx va
Therefore Zbase10 = 2 Zbase20
and since pu Z20 is x2 that of pu Z10 the act Z is the same
Z act = Zbase10 x pu Z10 = Zbase20 x pu Z20