recently at work I was asked to siza a transformer for a 200Amp 575 Volt Machine. At our facility we have 480 volt wye substations, so I needed a step up transformer. I began by rating my load a t 125% which would be 250Amps at 575Volts. According to a chart I have at work from an electrical pal book, the next available KVA size for this would be a 300KVA transformer which shows an available 288 Amps @ 600VAC. According to the chart, a 300KVA transformer would pull 388Amps on the 480 Volt Primary. Besides using this chart, how can I properly size a three phase transformer given the volts and amps of a given load. I know that power in is equal to power out so given the secondary VA I can find the primary VA. also how does Delta and Wye figure into the equasion?