Transformer testing

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Maxwell, TX
Journeyman Lineman
Found a video showing a continuity test on a double bushing trfx. Where is the case ground attached internally on a double bushing transformer if the other end of the H1 is the H2? On a single bushing trfx the end of the primary winding is at the case. If this is true why is there no continuity when I test it?
Thanks for the help...
Found a video showing a continuity test on a double bushing trfx. Where is the case ground attached internally on a double bushing transformer if the other end of the H1 is the H2? On a single bushing trfx the end of the primary winding is at the case. If this is true why is there no continuity when I test it?
Thanks for the help...
You talking about a normal two bushing pole transformer?
If so it isn’t attached internally. H2 is normally grounded outside to a common(neutral/ground) and you hit the case ground and center X0 (if needed) all to a common outside.
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