Re: Transformer testing
Zog, I do agree with you when you suggested that he do a polarization check of the transformer with his megger. Yes, you are correct, you take a reading at 1 minute, and then take a reading at 10 minutes. Then you divide the 1 minute reading into the 10 minute reading and the result is as follows: (A) Less than 1 reading, (Dangerous)
(B)1.0 to 2, reading, (Questionable)
(C)2 to 4 reading, (Good)
(D)Above 4 reading, (Excellent)
The above information is taken from the Megger Insulation Handbook, called " A Stitch in Time".
If you send me a Private Message, I can give you the name and phone number of the Electrical Engineer that works for the AVO company, formerly the Biddle Megger Company, and mention my name, and I know that he would be glad to send you the booklets.