Transformer to Gas Tank Installation Distance

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Can someone please clarify an issue for me. A commercial backup generator is going to be installed for backup power. The generator has an above ground fuel tank. What is the minimum distance that this can be installed adjacent to a utility owned, oil filled, three ? transformer. Would this be addressed in the NEC, NESC, or the NFPA? I can?t seem to find this information.


Senior Member
Redmond, WA
Re: Transformer to Gas Tank Installation Distance

2banee - I was unable to find anythng specific either. NFPA and Factory Mutual do have recommendations (not requirements ) for separation of oil-filled transformers from structures and critical equipment for certain occupancies. The recommended distances vary with the volume of transformer oil and are related to the estimated heat from an oil fire and not any electrical considerations. No separation is mandated for volumes less than 500 gallons.

IMO- design your layout to provide good access to the transformer and for filling the tank and put a concrete fire wall between them.

Bob Wilson
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