9-176 Log #3821 NEC-P09 Final Action: Accept in Principle
Submitter: James J. Rogers, Bay State Inspectional Agency
Recommendation: Add new text to read as follows:
450.14 Disconnecting Means. Transformers other than listed class 2 or class
3 transformers shall have a disconnecting means located either in sight of the
transformer or remotely provided the remote disconnect is capable of being
locked in the off position. When the disconnecting means is located remote
from the transformer the locking means required shall remain in place whether
or not the locking means is installed.
Substantiation: Requiring a disconnecting means for a transformer is intended
to enhance safety for the qualified individual that is required to work on the
transformer. This is especially true in installations utilizing the requirements of
240.21(B)(3) whereby there may be several transformers in different locations
all tapped from one feeder and it may be impractical to de-energize the entire
feeder system to work on one of the transformers.
Panel Meeting Action: Accept in Principle
Revise the rule to read as follows: ?Transformers, other than Class 2 or Class
3, shall have a disconnecting means located either in sight of the transformer or
in a remote location. Where located in a remote location, the disconnecting
means shall be lockable, and the location shall be field marked on the
Panel Statement: CMP-9 has made editorial changes to avoid a run-on
sentence, used ?open? instead of ?off? for the disconnect position in
accordance with customary code usage, used ?where? instead of ?when?
because it is a question of place and not time, and removed the listing
limitation on the Class 2 and 3 transformers because it has no bearing on
whether a disconnecting means needs to be installed. The lockable wording
correlates with the task group results reported in Proposal 9-201.
Number Eligible to Vote: 12
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 12
Comment on Affirmative:
YOUNG, R.: The disconnecting means should be lockable in the open
position whether or not the disconnecting means is mounted either within sight
of the transformer or in a remote location.