need good research material
need good research material
I've done a small amount of research and I'm finding that voltage spikes can occur and migrate through the circuit. These spikes can be caused by motors, and other loads. Here is what had to say,"In reality, as much as 80% of today's electrical problems can be
traced to the activities of such harmless devices as elevators, air conditioners, vending
machines, copiers, and large computers. In fact, even something as simple as turning
lights on and off will cause surges of power and transient voltages."
So what is the difference put the meter in or switching the main. I could imagine archs could happen in both scenarios however if the main is arching there's probably something wrong with the breaker. At any rate arching due to current draw causes damaging voltage according to the article quoted earlier. I guess in this is why you would turn off branch circuit breakers as you described earlier. I guess if the circumstances line up just right and someone manhandles the meter while working on it hot and under load transient volts could be created an therefore cause damage. I would like to see the math behind this scenario though.