Transistive Voltage

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New member
Arcata, CA, USA
A friend and colleague of mine recently sent me the following email:

I have been looking into a system impact study that the shelter cove RID did to see what it would take to allow for PV interconnection to their utility. The only issue that they found was in the analysis of "transistive voltage". I have been trying to do some background research on this and cant seam to find anything about it. DO any of you know anything about such things? Any info would be helpful. Here is a link to the study:

Background: Shelter Cove, California is a small and very remote town (Resort Improvement District).

Question: I'd like to know what Transistive Voltage is (I can't find a good definition on-line). I'd also like to know if Transistive Voltage plays a negitive role when back-feeding residential scale PV arrays in this community.

Thanks in advance for your insights.
I can hazard a guess by reading the study.
As the clouds pass over the collectors the voltage output will change. Sometimes.rather quickly. The POCO system will be able to absorb these changes as long as your PV system is not to large. Think of it in reverse as to installing a very large load that cycles frequently causing the voltage to drop. Yours will cause it to increase.

Just my WAG.
I can hazard a guess by reading the study.
As the clouds pass over the collectors the voltage output will change. Sometimes.rather quickly. The POCO system will be able to absorb these changes as long as your PV system is not to large. Think of it in reverse as to installing a very large load that cycles frequently causing the voltage to drop. Yours will cause it to increase.

Just my WAG.
My SWAG, on the other hand, is that the report is actually talking about *transient" voltage effects, as opposed to steady-state effects. Transitivie is the result of bad editing or spell checking.
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