Trench compactor

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Senior Member
Anybody using a jumping jack style trench compactor with a trench shoe. I've used them in the past and cannot find anyone who manaufactures one
I spent about 8 months on one when I was an apprentice, back in 1974. Wacker made the one I used.

I found their latest version here:
They come with a 11" shoe where I would need a 6" or 4" shoe
I've seen POCO use their hydraulic "pole tampers" to compact backfill in trenches before, works very good. If you have a mini excavator or trencher with an aux port in the hydraulic system you could power it from there.
I've seen POCO use their hydraulic "pole tampers" to compact backfill in trenches before, works very good. If you have a mini excavator or trencher with an aux port in the hydraulic system you could power it from there.

I wonder how well it would work on a 300ft trench run though
The plumber I was helping, the first time I saw one of those things, put me on the "other" side to help him. My glasses shook off my face. Still brings a smile to my face.
After spending almost 4 months running a pogo stick, the foreman pulls up with a guy in my apprentice class and tells me to teach him how to use it so I could get a break from it. About 15 minutes later he drives over and sees the other guy being bounced around like he was on a bucking bronco while I'm yelling at him how to use it. The foreman walks over and looks at the other guy and says, "Come with me. Jimmy, keep going." And I spent another 4 months beating the ground. That was over 40 years ago and I could probably start one of those things up today and still own it. But if I walked on a job and saw one I'd play totally stupid.
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