bkludecke said:
Why not put some fuel in it and let the engine help out; it goes quicker that way.
A guy goes to Sears and buys a chainsaw "Guaranteed to Cut 10 Cords a Day."
Takes it home, does some cutting, and stacks and measures the wood: 3 cords.
"Hmm. I didn't really give it a whole day; I'll try it again tomorrow."
Next day, he eats breakfast, cuts, eats lunch, cuts, eats dinner, measures: 5 cords.
"Hmm. Maybe I didn't give it a real whole day. I'll try once more tomorrow."
Next day, he starts at the crack of dawn and doesn't stop until dark: only 8 cords.
"Hmm. Maybe there's sometyhing wrong with it. I'll take it back tomorrow."
Next day, he goes back to Sears and asks the salesman to check out the saw.
The salesman opens the case, picks up the saw, and pulls the starter rope.
The saw starts instantly. "Brrrmmm! Brrrmmm! Brrrmmm!"
The man stares at the salesman and exclaims "What's that noise?!"