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charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Semi-Retired Electrical Engineer
I have removed a thread for which the original question had to do with trenching. It went way beyond the original question. That is not uncommon, and not always bad. But it crossed two lines.

First, it evolved into a discussion of union versus non-union. That is not a comfortable topic of discussion in a Forum with so diverse a membership as we enjoy. But that part of the discussion crossed the line when there were comments along the lines of "this is better because" or "that is bad because." We're not going there.

The second line was crossed when a member, employing a "clever" play-on-words, introduced suggestive language concerning a private behavior that is not discussed in polite company. We're not going there either.

In my view, the technical question had been answered. So that one is ended, and I'm closing this one as well.
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