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This is a new one. Am being told this is the new trending thing, taking cow water troughs and turning them into above ground pools. Water circulation pump and all, just like any above ground pool. Folks wanted us to run GFCI power to the location and perform the grounding. Not finding anything in the code on metal pools. What is your take on this. Would save a picture of it, but not sure how to get it attached to this, if possible. Has a wood deck even with height of trough, lounge chairs, rock bed around pool. Very quant little set up, but.....
These troughs are more like soaking tubs but there are larger one. Either way if the tub is not more than 42" deep, they usually aren't, then there is nothing else you need to do.

Here is another style

These fall into the definition of storable pools

Storable Swimming, Wading, or Immersion Pools; or Storable/
Portable Spas and Hot Tubs. Swimming, wading, or immersion
pools that are intended to be stored when not in use,
constructed on or above the ground and are capable of holding
water to a maximum depth of 1.0 m (42 in.), or a pool, spa,
or hot tub constructed on or above the ground, with nonmetallic,
molded polymeric walls or inflatable fabric walls regardless
of dimension.

We had one of these for a pool when our kids were little. It was 9’ in diameter and 2’ deep. That was in the late 80s. Nice to know that I was ahead of the trend!
A little off subject but we have a county here in FL that considers above ground pools with metal walls and supports with liners storable. No bonding just a post with a GFCI. They even allow homeowners to run UF instead of insulated grounds
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