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Senior Member
any one ever had a problem with trims falling out of cans?
Cans are Elite 4 inch mr16, the trims are 4 inch 50 watt adjustable gimbal made by contrast out of Canada and were provided by a lighting designer who said she never had a problem with them before? There are 40 cans and four trims have fallen out I adjusted the can more even with the drywall and reinstalled the trims only to have the same 2 fall out again:mad: any suggestions would be appreciated.
I know a hard hat for the owners would help for now:wink:
Yes, I sure have. Normally those customer supplied 3 and 4 inch trims that are only held in with little spurs. Pieces of junk, really.
I'm sure they are listed so it must be the installers deficiency.

(That was sarcasm directed at the "UL listing assures perfection" in the manufacturing)

mdshunk said:
Yes, I sure have. Normally those customer supplied 3 and 4 inch trims that are only held in with little spurs. Pieces of junk, really.

what did you do to resolve this. I dont want to cut or modify the trims (Want them returned) they want to dump this on me and of course are withholding final pay. TIA
normbac said:
what did you do to resolve this. I dont want to cut or modify the trims (Want them returned) they want to dump this on me and of course are withholding final pay. TIA
I think I bent the spurs a little more so they dug in more. It's just bad design.
This should fall onto the provider of the fixtures.

"Cans . . . were provided by a lighting designer who said she never had a problem with them before?"

Tell them there's a first time for everything. :rolleyes:
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