Tripping GFCi receptacles

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Senior Member
I am at a job that I completed about a week ago.

Two separate contractors at 2 different locations of the new dwelling ,took power tools out of their trucks and plugged into GFCI receptacles.

Tools had been in single digit temps over the weekend in their trucks.

Both tools when started tripped the devices immediately.

The breakers did not trip, just the receptacles.

The building contractor who is one of the people working, tells me he wants the devices changed so the owner doesn't have issues.

After the tools have been in use, all is operating fine.

What would cold conditions have to do with this?

Building contractor doesn't believe that the cold is the issue. I do, but don't know why.

If the GFCI's tripped, it means they are doing their job. My guess is they had some condensation inside from the temperature change, and that's what caused them to trip out the GFCI.
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