Trouble with VFD

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Can someone help direct me to a place where I can learn about troubleshooting drives. I was working on 1 today that causes the motor to jump when it is trying to start. It was a 10HP 460v 3 phase drive. The motor runs fine in the bypass mode. Thanks for your help.
Most VFD's have a ramp up time. It sounds like yours needs to be changed. It is a programing parameter. Check the owners manual.
Most drives have very good tech manuals--check the troubleshooting guide and if you can't find the problem listed --call their support. The manuals are not the easiest to understand since VFDs are used in so many applications.
Can someone help direct me to a place where I can learn about troubleshooting drives. I was working on 1 today that causes the motor to jump when it is trying to start. It was a 10HP 460v 3 phase drive. The motor runs fine in the bypass mode. Thanks for your help.
You say "trying to start". Do you mean that it doesn't actually start?
If not, does it trip? If so, does it have a display that shows a fault code?
Has it ever worked?
I think the other posters have given you good advice within the bounds the limited information you have given.
If you can be a little more specific, you will perhaps get more detailed advice.

One other point following on from what the others have said, if you don't have the technical manual, you may well be able to download it.
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