eheins said:
I need to make a standard Truck stock form for my service vehicles and insteaed of sitting here for three hours thinking I figured someone might have what I need. The trucks are about 50 50 commercial/residential
It depends on what kind of trucks you have but plan on more than 3 hours.
I am one of those guys who likes to have everything with me and enough of it to carry over a few days if necessary.
After building three trucks out over a year ago, I STILL don't have an accurate inventory list or i'd send it to you.
I limit the bulk of my devices/covers to White and ivory, standard and decora with a few browns and blacks thrown in. About 20 receps each flavor, 20 switches, 3ways and a few 4 ways along with standard 240V receps
I carry quite a few GFCI's (10 wht/ 10 IV. 1 Bk, 1 BR) and dimmers (600/1000watt line and low voltage and elv)
I carry pretty much all connectors/couplings/adapters for EMT and PVC from .5 to 2.5 set screw and raintite. Flex and sealtite stuff is limited to 1/2, 3/4 and 1 inch.
Chase nippples,offset nipples, bond bushings, plastic bushings, snap in bushings, locknuts, meyers hubs, etc sizes 1/2" thru 2 1/2".
Lots of boxes 1G to 4G to cover most installations including about 20 1g, 10 2g, 4 3g and 4 4g plastic nail on, about 20 4s, 20 4sd,10 4sbracket and 10 4sd bracket....about 25 assorted WP boxes with 1/2 and3/4 hubs.
A couple standard ballasts, some standard lamps (13w cf, 60 watt A19. assorted mr16's and landscape lamps. I have two trucks set up for just lighting maintenance so I don't overkill the electrical service trucks.
Recessed cans, remodel/new construction 4,5 and 6" with standard baffles and regressed eyeball trims/ haolgen lamps.
WIre...romex from 14/2 to 6/2, thwn from 12 to #6 =#4 bare. Cat5, cable,12/2 and 10/2 landscape wire. Short pieces of assorted larger wire up to 4/0
Breakers 6/115, 2/1515, 6/120, 2/2020, 2/215, 2/230, 2/240, 2/250 Seimans, Cutler Hammer BR, SquareD, and SquareD homeline plus about the same in salvaged FPE, Zinsco, GE and a collection of bolt ons.
Nevermind. I tried doing this from memory a while back and it was just too much to write down. If we use it, I stock it. If it's cheap and small, I stock a lot of it.