My son just landed a nice job but we need a little help with calculations . 800 amp meter pack on side of bldg #1with 2 spare 200 amp 3/phase breakers. Owner wants to use spares to supply 3/phase power to building next to the one with meter pack. Plan is to come out of meter pack and run 2 pipes up on the outside of bldg then run through that bldg high up close to roof ., heres where it gets interesting theres is a driveway between the 2 bldgs that gets some use by one of the tenants , Owner doesnt want to bridge between bldgs (approx 20 feet) , wants to come down and go under driveway and come up again to enter bldg where 2 new services will be located. Length of runs will be 300' and 340' , copper is way to expensive so aluminum would be used , its commercial so 4/0 aluminum I think would be enough . According to the tables 2 1/2 " pipe would be large enough for 4 4/0 conductors with a #4 ground . The problem i see is if we pipe it continuous we would be pulling through 4 90's or we could install a jb on each bldg and do a lot of re rigging the pulling gear. My thought is to oversize the pipe to 3" if we dont use jb's between the bldgs , which with a lot of soap should make the pull go relatively easier. I havent been active lately and i know a lot of codes and regs have changed , so im double checking my idea with you guys what do ya think ? thanks