Two disconnects, one inside landloard house

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Are you allow to install a Disconnect on a Service Cable that have run thru
the basement of your own home, then out to a rental unit, that is not
physical connect to your own home, with Service Entrance Panel located
in the rental unit. No grounding of the neutral at the disconnect located
in your house basement.

This disconnect spoke of, above, is group with your house electrical
panel, with is a Service because it's has main disconnect with the
neutral grounded.
All of the service disconnects in the 1st building would have to meet the service grounding requirements in Art 250.
If one of those disconnects supplied a feeder to a detached building, that feeder would have to meet the Code at its time of installation per 250.32.
Once the feeder reached the detached building, the requirements of 225.30 would apply,
Details would depend on the Code applicable at the time of the install.
As with most things, there is some area for AHJ determination, but the two disconnects in the 1st building, since it is under one "management" ,would probably meet the requirements of 240.24.
#31, that's basically how most separate buildings are served (or should I say "fed"?).

The feeder (not service) cable should be 4-wire. (Only one meter, right?)
Rental Unit disconnect located inside landlord home

Rental Unit disconnect located inside landlord home


There are two meters, one for the home owner house, and one for the
detach rental unit. Both meter are located on the utility pole.

Each Meter has its own set of URD cables, running inside conducit, that
brings the two seperate cables feeding the two individual meter socket
underground, into the home owner basement.

The home owner service cable, upon enter his home, are enclosed in
rigid conduct all the way to the house Service Equipment

The rental unit service cable, breaks thru the basement cement wall and
the URD is splice over to SE-R cable, inside a metal J-Box. The round bare
none insulated grounding conductor of the SE-R cable is bonded to the metal
J-Box. This SE-R runs a good 20 Ft. before it reaches the a 100 amp. break-
er style disconnect, located above the home owner Service Equipment.

Next the SE-R cable is run to the side closes to the detach rental unit, and
once again is change over to URD cable that is run underground to the
rental unit Electrical Panel.

Point of question: The home owner Service Equipment with its seperate
200 amp. disconnect, is grounded after the load side, at a main lug only
panel, that contains the home owners circuit breakers.

So can the home owners, Service Equipment and its grounded neutral,
make it possible so one would not have to ground the neutral of the SE-R
cable that supplies power to the rental unit?

Very sorry for all this writtent texts.
May I give my opinions in addition to Larry ?
There are two meters, one for the home owner house, and one for the
detach rental unit. Both meter are located on the utility pole.

Each Meter has its own set of URD cables, running inside conducit, that
brings the two seperate cables feeding the two individual meter socket
underground, into the home owner basement.
This becomes an interesting issue. Ownership/responsibility of the cable might have impact. "URD" is a utility cable and is not recognized as a NEC wiring method. Even if it is dual rated URD/USE it is not NEC approved for interior wiring {338.12(B)} If these cables are customer (non-utility) owned, definite violation.
The home owner service cable, upon enter his home, are enclosed in
rigid conduct all the way to the house Service Equipment

"all the way" might be a violation of 230.70- AHJ Call
The rental unit service cable, breaks thru the basement cement wall and
the URD is splice over to SE-R cable, inside a metal J-Box. The round bare
none insulated grounding conductor of the SE-R cable is bonded to the metal
J-Box. This SE-R runs a good 20 Ft. before it reaches the a 100 amp. break-
er style disconnect, located above the home owner Service Equipment.

Same URD question. Almost assuredly a 230.7 violation.
Probable violations of 250.92

Next the SE-R cable is run to the side closes to the detach rental unit, and
once again is change over to URD cable that is run underground to the
rental unit Electrical Panel.
repeat of problems
Point of question: The home owner Service Equipment with its seperate
200 amp. disconnect, is grounded after the load side, at a main lug only
panel, that contains the home owners circuit breakers.
Violation 250.24(A)(1)
So can the home owners, Service Equipment and its grounded neutral,
make it possible so one would not have to ground the neutral of the SE-R
cable that supplies power to the rental unit?
Very sorry for all this writtent texts.
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