two feeders to one outbuilding?

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Rochester, NY
electrical contractor
Existing outbuilding [barn, really] with underground feeder (unknown size) from main house, to older panel "A" in a relatively inaccessible location in a pool equipment "room." Very sketchy.

New addition to back of outbuilding. GC wants new feeder to building, with a properly installed new sub/panel "B" supplying the addition plus ...

Does NEC require that the original feeder be killed?
If so, then I open a large can of worms. The pool equipment panel wlll need to be relocated/replaced and reconfigured as sub-panel -- or just removed and all the branch circuits spliced into the new panel, in which case I could become entangled in whether the branch circuits are properly set up for the pool equipment. The potential for "job creep" is enormous.

I would very much prefer to leave the existing stuff alone, and just be responsible for the new work. If possible.

Opinions please? THANKS
Section 225.30 states that only one feeder to a building. I don't believe your install would meet the exceptions

225.30 Number of Supplies. A building or other structure
that is served by a branch circuit or feeder on the load side
of a service disconnecting means shall be supplied by only
one feeder or branch circuit unless permitted in 225.30(A)
through (E). For the purpose of this section, a multiwire
branch circuit shall be considered a single circuit.
Where a branch circuit or feeder originates in these additional
buildings or other structures, only one feeder or
branch circuit shall be permitted to supply power back to
the original building or structure, unless permitted in
225.30(A) through (E).
Dennis, it seems you're right.
Oddly, I just called one of the possible inspectors for this jurisdiction and ran it by him, and he advised me the opposite: just leave the existing as is.
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