Two Loads Sharing a Neutral, Pigtailed to the Line Side of Two GFCI Receptacles

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I have a situation where I have 2 separate loads that are powered by two separate line supply?s, but they share a neutral conductor. I need to provide ground fault protection on each of these separate circuits. I want to provide GFCI receptacles in line with each separate circuit. Knowing that GFCI's cannot share a neutral on the load side of the receptacle, would pigtailing the shared neutral to each of the line-side neutrals allow the GFCI receptacles to independently function as required? No load side neutral connection will be made, the terminals will be left empty.

As long as all the current that leaves the GFCI receptacle on its line pole in the receptacle comes back over the neutral pole of that same receptacle (or the other one if a duplex), the GFCI will not trip. If line current goes somewhere else or "foreign" line current comes back over the neutral, the GFCI will trip.
As long as all the current that leaves the GFCI receptacle on its line pole in the receptacle comes back over the neutral pole of that same receptacle (or the other one if a duplex), the GFCI will not trip. If line current goes somewhere else or "foreign" line current comes back over the neutral, the GFCI will trip.

Is that current from Modesto?:D
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