Two outside feeders to one bldg same water pipe sharing two buildings

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have two outside feeders feeding one building exception is documented switching procedure. Anyways all grounding electrode present at the building must be bonded.

Please see attached sketch Disco #1 is fed by outside Fdr #1, Disco #2 is fed by outside Fdr #2. Please see attached sketch water pipe, ground rods not steel are bonded each disco.

Water pipe is being shared as shown attached sketch between two buildings. Main service disco is also have GEC to same underground metal water pipe.


1. will not the neutral current of building #2 discos #1 and #2 flow they each other thru GEC than thru underground metal water pipe to main service disco?

2. One still needs to bond the underground metal water pipe at Discos #1,#2 bldg #2?
Disconnect one depends on where your service is located (same building ?)
If the serice is reote from the building then the answer below applies.
Disc two is separate building. Neutrals & grounds muist be separart and EGC is bonded to water, not neutral.
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