Two panel home setup and generator hookup

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New User
I'd like to wire up my panels with interlock breakers for a portable standby generator in the event of power outages. This is two story house and both panels are in the garage side by side. In the link below I have a rough hand drawn diagram of what I would like to do but I have some concerns.

1. It would be best to convert the generator to a floating neutral setup instead of a bonded neutral(default) correct?
2. The utility meter connection creates a tie between the neutral bars on both panels and in addition when those connect to the generator neutral(albeit floating) that may tie them together again. Is this an issue?
3. If I am running on generator power with this setup(utility power outage) and then utility comes it an issue that my generator will be supplying a neutral to the entire system and also the utility neutral is back in an unknown state?

Thanks in advance. I've had a hard time finding a definitive answer on this stuff because it seems no matter how you hook it up that it probably does end up working but I would like to know the correct way.
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