Can someone please refer me to a section of code, if any, that states what the requirements for Two-Way Communication are in Areas of rescue area in Chicago, IL?
IAC 1997 says
4) Areas of rescue assistance in buildings without a supervised automatic
sprinkler system, other than multi-story housing. Where a required exit from
an occupiable level above or below a level of accessible exit discharge is not
accessible, areas of rescue assistance shall be provided on each such level (in
a number equal to that of inaccessible required exits). Areas of rescue
assistance shall comply with the requirements of this subsection (b)(4). A
horizontal exit, meeting the requirements of local building/life safety
regulations, shall satisfy the requirement for an area of rescue assistance.
(ADAAG 4.1.3(9)).
I am wondering if I can get rid of Two-Way Communication if the building is sprinklered.
Thank you for your input!
Can someone please refer me to a section of code, if any, that states what the requirements for Two-Way Communication are in Areas of rescue area in Chicago, IL?
IAC 1997 says
4) Areas of rescue assistance in buildings without a supervised automatic
sprinkler system, other than multi-story housing. Where a required exit from
an occupiable level above or below a level of accessible exit discharge is not
accessible, areas of rescue assistance shall be provided on each such level (in
a number equal to that of inaccessible required exits). Areas of rescue
assistance shall comply with the requirements of this subsection (b)(4). A
horizontal exit, meeting the requirements of local building/life safety
regulations, shall satisfy the requirement for an area of rescue assistance.
(ADAAG 4.1.3(9)).
I am wondering if I can get rid of Two-Way Communication if the building is sprinklered.
Thank you for your input!