ty wire

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I would say yes, but it is up to the AHJ to "approve" the securing and supporting means.

Take a look at 330.30(A).

IMO tie-wire is stronger than tie-wraps and they're permitted. However since tie-wire isn't specifically mentioned in Article 330 it's as Chris said, up to the AHJ. Maybe this would be a good proposal. :smile:
Yup. It would be nice to have it included in the code wording to eliminate having to ask for approval when using it.

We haven't "asked" in a loooooonnnnnnggggg time :grin: .....we just do it:

An old shoestring would work well too ;):D Heck, if Romex scraps can be used to secure Romex, what about MC scraps twisted up to secure MC? :D:grin:
Ok by me

Ok by me

I've used tie wire many times, have occasionally seen an inspector that didn't like it. I try to keep it neat looking, especially in open sight. Much easier than bang on caddy clamps w/spring clips, I hate those. I sometimes use tie wire as a messenger cable as well, across a chasm or from a high bar joist down to a light, if needed for some reason. Double up, anchor at both ends and tie wire the MC to it every 2 or 3 feet. I use ceiling hanger wire for that if I have it.
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