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West Melbourne, FL
Florida Certified Electrical Contractor
I have a client that is planning to install a glue-down hardwood floor over a concrete slab. He wants a receptacle in the floor near the center of a room. To do so we will have to cut a groove in the slab which is deep enough and wide enough for conduit from a wall receptacle to a new floor box. The groove will not be cut all the way through the slab. Here's the question: Is the conduit containing the new power conductors in a dry, damp or wet location??
In previous "discussions" here, I think the consensus of opinion was slabs at grade wet wet, slabs above grade dry. I can not back that up by Code reference. :)
Location, Wet. Installations underground or in concrete slabs or masonry in direct contact with the earth; in locations subject to saturation with water or other liquids, such as vehicle washing areas; and in unprotected locations exposed to weather.
Is the conduit containing the new power conductors in a dry, damp or wet location??

Since you're running conduit does it really matter what the raceway classification is or do you have some other concern? Almost all new conductors are dual rated for wet or dry locations.
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