Type TC-ER Cable

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Reference: NEC Art. 336.10(7) & Exception

I have literature from two different cable manufacturers that states if more than 6 feet of type TC cable is brought out of the tray for a connection to a motor or other electrical device, cables without an ER rating must be either armored (type MC) or installed in conduit or some other type of raceway. This seems to imply that if the cable is less than 6 feet long, then Type TC cable (without the ER) is permitted between the cable tray and the utilization equipment or device.

My reading of the referenced Code section and the UL White Book (QPOR) leads me to understand that if a TC cable exits a cable tray for any distance and run as exposed wiring, it must be marked as TC-ER. Additionally, if the cable exceeds 6 feet in length then the cable must be secured at intervals not exceeding 6 feet. We meet the requirements of an industrial facility with supervision and qualified personnel.

Please give us your interpretation of the type(s) of cable permitted if the cable length from the cable tray is less than 6 feet.
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