Type TC in poly gas line

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Edom, Tx
We have an opportunity to install additional solar panels to an existing array.
The problem is that the homeowner wants to use an existing but never before used poly gas line as a raceway. I understand it is really not a raceway
unless it is identified as such in NEC, but what about cable suitable for direct burial such as type TC with d/b rating? It would IMO be ok without a raceway and direct buried; would pulling it into a non-NEC rated poly pipe change anything as long as fill, radius, etc were met? This is one continuous poly "tube" from a reel, in a straight run, as best as we can tell, with minimal bends. Direct burying the cable is not an option, as the customer does not want any more trenching. Using this pipe as a "raceway" is a prerequisite to getting the job; if it can't be done then the customer will not do the job.
We would like to get the job, but only if NEC can be met. Any thoughts?
GC in one subdevision had the sprinkler guys bore a black poly from the house to the post lights for us to run our UF in to save digging up the soded yard later, inspector tagged us for it, but the state over ruled him saying the black poly added protection to the already DB rated wire.;)
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GC in one subdevision had the sprinkler guys bore a black poly from the house to the post lights for us to run our UF in to save digging up the soded yard later, inspector tagged us for it, but the state over ruled him saying the black poly added protection to the already DB rated wire.;)

Good point; I'll sleeve UF or the equivalent in anything someone else installs for me if it's big enough and I don't have to dig. Had one considerate GC who always had the concrete guys put 2" plumbers sch40PVC under the drives and walks for us.
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