Type USE For Generator Connection


Goin’ Down In Flames........
EC and GC
When I install Generac, I usually use the GenCable, which is type TC-ER, and rated for direct burial.

When I install other types, usually it gets conduit and THWN-2. But I think that type USE direct burial from the generator to the exterior mounted ATS would be fine, if I was doing a direct burial method.

Only restriction I see is if the ATS were mounted inside a building, I would have to transition to SE or some other type of wiring to enter the structure.
Seems reasonable.
Since it would need protection where exposed you might consider using LFNC for the entire run if it's reasonably short and not subject to damage.
I usually sleeve the TC-ER in pvc and then transition to a short piece of LFNC. I always forget that a lot of LFNC is actually rated for direct burial. 👍