I work for an OEM as part of an engineering team supporting design for design/build projects for a lot of industrial applications. On most of these projects we partner with outside local contractor firms to support the construction/installation phase of these projects. As an OEM we typically supply major equipment content with contractor supplying construction materials IE, wire, conduit, etc....
I was having a conversation with a colleague the other day trying to guess what most contractors put as markup on material for a project (non-labor items). The guesses ranged anywhere from 5%-20%.
I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to share typical markups on material from either their approach or past experience.
I was having a conversation with a colleague the other day trying to guess what most contractors put as markup on material for a project (non-labor items). The guesses ranged anywhere from 5%-20%.
I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to share typical markups on material from either their approach or past experience.