U/G wire pull

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Senior Member
Was looking for a bit of advice on an underground pull. I have 3- 2/0 CU conductors and 1-#4 CU conductor (THHN) to pull thru 150' of 2" Sch40 PVC. Run consists of 2- standard 90 degree elbows, rest is straight line. I have access to an electric puller but rigging it at the house end would be quite time consuming. Does this sound like a pull that could be done by hand with 2 guys and a bottle of pulling compound? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Was looking for a bit of advice on an underground pull. I have 3- 2/0 CU conductors and 1-#4 CU conductor (THHN) to pull thru 150' of 2" Sch40 PVC. Run consists of 2- standard 90 degree elbows, rest is straight line. I have access to an electric puller but rigging it at the house end would be quite time consuming. Does this sound like a pull that could be done by hand with 2 guys and a bottle of pulling compound? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Sound like a home run to me. We are currently doing 8 unit apartment building ranging from 150' and under with the same wire and also going to a second floor.
I'd make sure to blow it clear of water if it's been in ground awhile! A pipe full of water will slap back, even a good shop vac will do the job! Pull the end as you use the shop vac.

I might consider a foam rat after you clear water. A good thickrag head pulled through
mightbe a consideration.

If you put it in, and if you can, pull into the bell end of the run.

Maybe some warm up exercises are in order, spinning the arms, swiveling the torso. :D

Open telephones or walkie talkies are a most!

A third person might help the feeder of the wire. Then can only unrell about 10' at a time.
so your looking at 15 - 18 pulls. Two or three sets of pull, rest, work on rythme, if manual the puller works after the feeder, someone will fell the difference!

One, Two, Three - Pull!
I'd make sure to blow it clear of water if it's been in ground awhile! A pipe full of water will slap back, even a good shop vac will do the job! Pull the end as you use the shop vac.

I might consider a foam rat after you clear water. A good thickrag head pulled through
mightbe a consideration.

If you put it in, and if you can, pull into the bell end of the run.

Maybe some warm up exercises are in order, spinning the arms, swiveling the torso. :D

Open telephones or walkie talkies are a most!

A third person might help the feeder of the wire. Then can only unrell about 10' at a time.
so your looking at 15 - 18 pulls. Two or three sets of pull, rest, work on rythme, if manual the puller works after the feeder, someone will fell the difference!

One, Two, Three - Pull!
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No, You forget that I use to get paid to draw. Some times I should stop.
or not at all...

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? Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

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I found a great quote looking at something else the other day that I could re-find...:D
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