UF Cable indoors for range?

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West Virginia
Journeyman Electrician
Can I use 8/3 Cu UF-B cable ran through the attic for a 40 A range circuit? I've done so much research on understanding allowable ampacities of cables as opposed to individual conductors and how to read Table 310.16 but I'm having a hard time racking my brain around it. Please just a simple straightforward answer. UF-B Cable at Lowe's goes for $2.71/ft as opposed to $6.25/ft for standard romex. I need about 50 feet. I have two separate pulls one running about 30 and the other about 15 ft.
First time I've heard of any UF being cheaper than same size NM.
My guess is they are not moving a lot of it and and it is a old price, do not like working with UF but for that kind of price difference would put up with the annoyance.
i know earlier in the year in shorter lengths it was cheaper to buy UF than NM. At least in Wv
My guess is they are not moving a lot of it and and it is a old price, do not like working with UF but for that kind of price difference would put up with the annoyance.
Likely old stock, not moving. Historically UF was near double that of NM. Think I might go get a stock of it before supply catches up and it become a shortage and price skyrockets.
Since it is cheaper to buy UF then Romex would it make sense to use UF as opposed to Romex at least while it is cheaper? Or is it so much harder to work with that it's not worth the cost savings.
Since it is cheaper to buy UF then Romex would it make sense to use UF as opposed to Romex at least while it is cheaper? Or is it so much harder to work with that it's not worth the cost savings.
UF is horrible to strip even with the proper tools. I would pay more for NM cable if I had to do a lot of terminations.
This is yet another reminder that with supply chain disruptions, it pays to check the normally more expensive alternatives to a product you plan to use.

A couple of years back I needed some 12/3 MC. 12/3 MC stranded was significantly less expensive than solid. I may never go back :)

Since it is cheaper to buy UF then Romex would it make sense to use UF as opposed to Romex at least while it is cheaper? Or is it so much harder to work with that it's not worth the cost savings.
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UF is terrible to work with in any standard switch box and is hard to strip at best. Typical device with a cable in and 1 out, plus device would take at least twice as long to work.

I notice this is 12/3. I have rarely ever used 12/3 for anything. If they quit making it, I might not even notice. .
Go to an electrical supply house and you will get that 8/3 NMB far less than Lowe's wants for it and even less that the price you are seeing for UF.

Lowes and HD are $$$ for wire. If you want cut wire they are $$$$$$$.
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