ufer ground and whirl pool tubs

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Do we need a ground rod if there is a ufer ground? Do we have to bond to incoming copper water if there is a ufer ground? #2 question whirl pool tubs do we need to bond tub motor with a #8 solid wire to the closest copper cold water line?
Do we need a ground rod if there is a ufer ground? Do we have to bond to incoming copper water if there is a ufer ground? #2 question whirl pool tubs do we need to bond tub motor with a #8 solid wire to the closest copper cold water line?

If you have a metal UG water pipe, it should already be bonded to the CEE (aka Ufer ground), as this is required by code. There is never a requirement for a ground rod. It is just one choice for creating a grounding electrode system.

As for your second question, have you looked closely at article 680? There are different requirements for different situations.
Do we need a ground rod if there is a ufer ground? Do we have to bond to incoming copper water if there is a ufer ground? #2 question whirl pool tubs do we need to bond tub motor with a #8 solid wire to the closest copper cold water line?

250.50 starts out saying

All grounding electrodes as described in 250.52(A)(1) through (A)(7) that are present at each building or structure served shall be bonded together to form the grounding electrode system. Where none of these grounding electrodes exist, one or more of the grounding electrodes specified in 250.52(A)(4) through (A)(8) shall be installed and used

If any of the electrodes mentioned are present you must use them. The rods, plates and pipe electrodes and ground rings are something typically not already there and something you do add if nothing else is present or you choose to use for some other reason. So if you have building steel or a CEE you don't need to add any rods, plates, pipe elecrodes. If you have water pipe electrode it must have an additional supplementing electrode, if there is a CEE or building steel that can be it, if not a rod is most preferred choice as a supplement but can also be pipe, plate, or a ground ring.

The lug on the whirlpool tub motor is for bonding to anything in the tub vicinity that may require bonding. 680.74 starts off with:

Both metal piping systems and grounded metal parts in contact with the circulating water shall be bonded together using a solid copper bonding jumper, insulated, covered, or bare, not smaller than 8 AWG. The bonding jumper shall be connected to the terminal on the circulating pump motor that is intended for this purpose.

According to what that says the water pipe doesn't even need to be bonded if it isn't in contact with the circulating water, many times supply water piping is not.
Do you mean a hot tub or a hydromassage tub? I hear Whirlpool tub and I think the latter.
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