Ufer Ground Question

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Hey there! I'm getting ready to have a house built in a part of the country that has no codes and requires no inspections whatsoever. I'm subbing out the work myself and am trying to do my research to make sure I'm doing everything to at least what code would typically require and hopefully a little above.

My question is about the ufer ground. I'm building a basement home that will obviously have a slab in the basement and concrete walls. In an ufer ground, do you use the rebar in the footings and walls only to make the bond or do you bond the slab rebar to it also??

My other question, is this, to try and get a better ground I was debating on also running a 8' rod that would be bonded to the ufer. If I were to do this, could I just drive a rod underneath the slab or go outside the footings and drive a rod before backfilling around the basement walls so that my ground rod was that much farther below grade than just driving it in the ground after backfill?

Another note - is that I'll more than likely eventually put a lightning protection system on it that will bond to my grounds - which is one reason I was wanting to add the ground rod - just to hopefully reduce impedence a little.

I don't have much background in electrical so please excuse me if some of this is novice. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
With a ufer you don't need a ground rod-- the electrician you hire should know what to do

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