5-81 Log #1365 NEC-P05
Final Action: Accept in Principle
250.50 Exception )
Andre R. Cartal, Princeton Borough Building Dept.
Comment on Proposal No:
The Panel should accept this proposal with the following Exception:
Exception: Concrete-encased electrodes in footings of existing buildings shall not be required to be part of the grounding electrode system.
The words “if available” has prevented the use of a proven grounding electrode for too many years. These words have no place in the NEC. From the inspector's viewpoint, it presents a no-win enforcement problem.
The removal of these words will require electrical design professionals to specify and also enforce compliance with 250.50.
Panel Meeting Action: Accept in Principle
Revise 250.50 to read as follows:
“250.50 Grounding Electrode System.
All grounding electrodes as described in 250.52(A)(1) through (A)(6) that are present at each building or structure served shall be bonded together to form the grounding electrode system. Where none of these grounding electrodes exist, one or more of the grounding electrodes specified in 250.52(A)(4) through (A)(7) shall be installed and used.
Exception: Concrete-encased electrodes of existing buildings or structures shall not be required to be part of the grounding electrode system where the steel reinforcing bars or rods are not accessible for use without disturbing the concrete.”
Implementation of requirements proposed in 5-115 is not feasible for all installations. An exception is needed to prevent situations where concrete would be required to be disturbed. Additional editorial changes were made to improve clarity.
Number Eligible to Vote:
Ballot Results:
Affirmative: 16
Comment on Affirmative:
ROBERTSON: I am voting in the affirmative, however, I would like to make a comment on this one.
I agree with the substantiation that the words “if available” have prevented the use of a proven electrode for too many years. By removing the words “if available” and replacing with the proposed text will now mean the Authority Having Jurisdiction will need to be aware of the sequence of construction and the reality that in a lot of cases the concrete encased electrode is, in fact, not available by the time the decision is made on which electrical contractor will be doing the project.
It will now become the responsibility of the Authority Having Jurisdiction to make sure these electrodes are made available for use prior to the concrete being poured in the foundations. On far too many projects the foundations, spread beams, piers and grade beams are poured prior to awarding the electrical work on a project. This concern should not be a factor in making the change, it will however, require some changes in the timing of when electrical contracts are awarded in some areas. Electrical contractors will need to keep this in mind when accepting projects.