UL questions


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From Mechanical Engineer to Certification Expert: How to Navigate the UL Filing Process
I am working on a UL67, UL 891 and UL1558 to get certification. What is the best way for me to start working on UL filing and get certification before? I just started on the UL891 product. If there is anything silly in this post, sincere apologies. Should I need to have the enclosure designed and certified?. What documents will be required when filing for UL?
From Mechanical Engineer to Certification Expert: How to Navigate the UL Filing Process
I am working on a UL67, UL 891 and UL1558 to get certification. What is the best way for me to start working on UL filing and get certification before? I just started on the UL891 product. If there is anything silly in this post, sincere apologies. Should I need to have the enclosure designed and certified?. What documents will be required when filing for UL?
Where do you plan to sell your product and whats the target market?
Is it just for a special application in your state? Nation wide? North America ? World wide? etc.