UL Standard for RTU's

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Senior Member
Las Cruces N.M.
Does anyone know of a UL standard for RTU's, remote terminal units? I have a Contractor who wants to use a local guy to supply the controls for a water well and tank field. The local shop will purchase plc's, relays, and other components, stick them in an enclosure with a radio, and use them to operate the wells based on tank level.

The State of New Mexico requires equipment to be UL listed if a listing exists, however I can't seem to find one.

The appropriate number is UL508A.
This cover just about every general use/stand alone control panel.
Does anyone know of a UL standard for RTU's, remote terminal units? I have a Contractor who wants to use a local guy to supply the controls for a water well and tank field. The local shop will purchase plc's, relays, and other components, stick them in an enclosure with a radio, and use them to operate the wells based on tank level.

The State of New Mexico requires equipment to be UL listed if a listing exists, however I can't seem to find one.


Just make sure the Contractor can UL list the RTU panel or it won't be accepted as specified
... The local shop will purchase plc's, relays, and other components, stick them in an enclosure with a radio, and use them to operate the wells based on tank level...
If he can find UL listed PLCs, relays and other components, INCLUDING the radio transceiver, AND he is a UL508A shop, he can do that. If any component, i.e. the transceiver, is not UL listed, there is also a UL508A procedure to allow the use of "unevaluated components" when special (and somewhat onerous) rules are followed.

By the way, if it was a WASTEWATER wet well control panel and RTU where the area is considered classified and requires intrinsic safety relays, then it falls under a slightly different UL panel regulation, UL698A I believe.
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