I strongly suspect that the technique you are looking at is the one called "Symmetrical Components." The basic idea is that if you have a set of three voltages (and three currents) that are not balanced, you can model the system with a set of nine voltages (and nine currents). The nine voltages would be,
? A balanced set of Phases A, B, and C voltages, with a magnitude that you have to calculate, rotating in that order (i.e., A, then B, then C). These are called the "Positive Sequence Voltages."
? A balanced set of Phases A, B, and C voltages, with a magnitude that you have to calculate, rotating in the opposite order (i.e., A, then C, then B). These are called the "Negative Sequence Voltages."
? A balanced set of Phases A, B, and C voltages, with a magnitude that you have to calculate, and that do not rotate (i.e., the three are in phase with each other). These are called the "Zero Sequence Voltages."
The technique requires the use of "Matrix Algebra," in order to calculate the values mentioned above. It also makes use of "sequence networks," a collection of boxes that you fit together in order to match the characteristics of the original system.
This is no easy technique to learn. It takes up about a third of a semester-long, graduate-level course on electrical power systems engineering. The text book I used for my first course on the topic is "Elements of Power System Analysis," by William D. Stevenson.
I regret that this will not answser all your questions. But have I at least given you a start?