I have line to neutral loads on the secondary plus line to line. Do I calculate for L-Ns then add the L-Ls?
Too simple? Resistive loads only.
With only linear loads (which includes resistive loads), superposition applies, so you can calculate the currents in any order and just add them together. The only tricky thing is that the currents add as vectors, so for an exact answer you need to keep track of direction as well as magnitude. If you just want an upper bound on current magnitude for a load calculation, though, you could just add the magnitudes to get an overestimate.
In the standard way we draw transformers, the coils are drawn on the page effectively as vectors already (showing both correct direction and relative magnitude). And for resistive loads, the current will be in phase with the voltage, so for L-N secondary loads, the currents are in the direction of the coil to which they are connected.
For an L-L resistive load, the current will flow through two coils, so it needs to get added to both coil currents. And the phase offset of the current will be 30 degrees relative to each of those coils. If you just want the magnitude (not the direction) of the sum of two vectors X and Y at an angle A to each other, you can use the law of cosines. Here |X| means the magnitude of the vector X:
|X + Y|
2 = |X|
2 + |Y|
2 + 2 |X| |Y| cos A.
In the case we're discussing, A = 30 degrees, and cos A = sqrt(3)/2.
So for example if you had resistive loads of 10A L1-N, 20A L2-N, and 30A L1-L2, the current on the L1-N coil would be sqrt(10
2 + 30
2 + sqrt(3) * 10 * 30) = 39.0 A. You can see that for this example at least, the deviation from the approximation of just summing the magnitudes 10 + 30 = 40A is not very large. Worst case of the error would occur when |X| = |Y|, in which case the sum would be sqrt(2 + sqrt(3)) = 1.93 |X|, rather than the approximation 2 |X|.
Worst case, that is, for the case that all loads are L1-N, L2-N, or L1-L2. If you have L1-L2, L1-L3, and L1-N loads, and you calculate the L1-N coil current just by summing up the magnitudes, the error is going to be much larger, as you are missing the significant cancellation you would get from adding the L1-L2 and L1-L3 loads. Which, if their currents are equal and resistive, will sum to a factor of sqrt(3) rather than 2, as should be familiar.
Cheers, Wayne
P.S. My background is in math, so I am working out the physics as I go for educational purposes, which means there is some chance of error.