Under water conduit and j-boxes

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Can you run brass conduit underwater along the bottom of fountain exposed to underwater Jboxes to feed lights in fountain?

I can't really find a clear answer on this.

The little bit of research I just did leads me to believe a discussion with the AHJ might be in order. Good luck and let us know what you find out.
344.10 Uses Permitted

(2) Red Brass RMC. Red brass RMC shall be permitted to be installed for direct burial and swimming pool applications.

It's not direct buried, it's not really a swimming pool, but has similar characteristics so maybe. :)
Can you run brass conduit underwater along the bottom of fountain exposed to underwater Jboxes to feed lights in fountain?

I can't really find a clear answer on this.


I would believe all the info you need is in article 680.52 (A) and (B).

We use PVC when we do fountains, or LFNC, we use DB type wire nuts, and a good removable encapsulate potting compound, such as the GE pour and seal. and make sure you use wet location conductors, or cord with a "W" suffix.
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