Underground 400 amp service sizing

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Senior Member
United States, Indiana
electrical contractor
Code requires #600 AL for 400 amp residential service but none of the Elec supply stores seem to carry it. Only up to 500. Frustrating. I usually just run two parallel 4/0 AL runs. What do you do? Thank you.
I've never tried to get 600 AL, I can get 750 AL easily though. But, like the others mentioned I'd probably just parallel it.
Code requires the services conductors to be sized for the calculated load.

If your installing a "400-amp" service with multiple switches, size the conductors to the load calculation.

If your installing a "400-amp" service with a single 400-amp switch then size for the rating of the switch (400-amp).

I install underground "400-amp" services with a 320-amp meter socket fed by 2-sets of 4/0 URD, then put two 200-amp main breaker panels grouped in the dwelling. Is it really a 400-amp service? No, it is a service with two 200-amp switches with a rating capacity of that of the 2 sets of 4/0 URD...depending if it is in the same conduit or separate conduits. It is generally referred to as a "400-amp" service though.
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